seeking: vibrancy, health, healing.... through Paleo, training, and humor.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

I Resisted the Popcorn

Last night my beloved youngest brother and his beautiful partner (whom I adore) came over for dinner before we headed off to the theater for the opening of Prometheus. I'm not a critic so I won't go into the details of my disappointment at the movie, but I will state proudly that I said "no thank you" to buttered movie theater popcorn. AND Dr. Pepper (which is, hands down, the most likely suspect when it comes to temptations to cheat). WIN!

Yesterday was the first time all week I had a complete dinner fail. My brother, god love him, requested my home made ricotta gnocchi for dinner. It's a huge no-no for me because it contains flour. It's also one of my all time favorite meals. I had the good idea that perhaps I could make a paleo friendly portion for myself by subbing in coconut flour and ignoring the fact that I was consuming cheese (dairy in moderate amounts seems to have no negative affects on my body). Heh. Didn't go as planned. Lacking any sort of gluten or other binder to hold them together the little nuggets of yummy goodness dissolved as soon as they hit the boiling water. Sad face. I had to improvise at the last second and fry up a few chicken tenders in coconut oil. I whipped up a quick salad to go with. I love how flexible paleo can be at a moment's notice!

I am currently resisting the urge to go weigh myself, for two reasons. One, if I have lost no weight (which is likely after only five days) I will be disappointed and frustrated. Two, if I get all obsessive about the scale again it will be the most direct path toward failure. I mean, really, if it didn't matter if you ate chocolate and sugar and junk all day while lazing around on the couch because working out and eating right didn't drop any pounds at.all.... what would you choose? I have to move away from the idea that this is a short term change to lose weight and look better and toward the idea that this change is for life because it's about my health rather than my body image. Losing weight and feeling better go hand in hand in this undertaking but I think... no I know, it's vital to my success to keep them in the right order of importance.

Whether I've lost 4 pounds or no pounds on Monday morning, I am making the correct choices for my body and my life. A big initial loss would certainly give me a jolt of further motivation. I'd be lying if I said anything less. However, I've got to brace myself mentally and know those numbers may not budge (like they have been for the past three months) so I don't give in to the binge eating that's always followed.

Short post! I am running off to an ordering session in just a few minutes and then it's Baseball Saturday for my step-son and more editing this afternoon. Busy busy! I have often wondered what I did before my six kids... and now I remember. I did the exact same things I do now just with less juggling! I miss them, and they are terribly homesick already, but I am indeed enjoying a summer break from parenting nine.

Enjoy your weekend! It will be interesting to see what this first week holds on Monday mornings weigh in. ;)



  1. Congrats on saying "NO" to popcorn and DP. That would have been a tough one for me too. XOXO
